Ten Good Reasons to Quit Your Real Estate Executive Assistant Job

At some point in your career as a real estate executive assistant, you may consider quitting. Over the years, I’ve witnessed many executive assistants quit for various reasons, and I’ve counseled assistants who are thinking about quitting. It’s a very tough, stress-filled decision for sure.

The decision you have to make is this: to stay and decide to be happy with staying, or to quit and decide to be happy with quitting. If staying and being being happy with staying seems impossible, then the only solution is to quit.

Here are ten good reasons why you might want to quit your real estate executive assistant job:

You’re bored.

If you’re bored, there are several reasons why that could be happening. You may be overqualified for the work you’re being given. It could be that your lead agent has no vision or big goals and thus you feel stuck with unchallenging work or work that seems the same day in and day out. You’ve stopped having fun, you don’t enjoy your job anymore, and you’re phoning it in.

If you’ve done your best to push your lead agent to develop a vision and to create a job for yourself that challenges you, but you’ve gotten nowhere with that, then it’s time to find a new opportunity.

You don’t get along with your lead agent.

Sometimes, it’s just not a match. Personalities clash, or one of you has habits the other person can’t stand.

It could be that your lead agent doesn’t listen. If you’ve set systems in place and your lead agent doesn’t follow them, no matter how many timesĀ  you’ve adjusted to try to please him or her, then it’s time to find a new opportunity.

You don’t get along with the team.

While getting along with your lead agent is the first priority, having conflicts with the rest of the team is certain to make for an unpleasant work environment. If there’s one toxic person on the team, and you’ve had conversations with your lead agent about letting that person go and it’s not happening, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity. Any lead agent who would keep a toxic person on the team just because he or she is a good producer, is not someone you want to work for.

It could be too that the team’s culture just doesn’t fit with your own. If the team likes to go bar hopping every weekend and they make fun of you for not joining them, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

You are stressed out all the time.

There’s a difference between not enjoying your job and being absolutely stressed out by it. Too much stress means you’re having physical reactions like eczema, loss of appetite, hair falling out, or not sleeping. Mentally, you may lose all focus, cry, or get angry often. Hopefully you don’t get to these extremes, but if the stress is so great that it’s affecting you mentally or physically, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

You feel unappreciated.

First, I want you to recognize that not every leader is good at expressing appreciation. You may feel like you are being taken for granted because you never hear “thank you” or “good job.” When you think about it, every paycheck you receive is a thank you note. I do know how important it is to feel appreciated, and if you really feel like you’re being taken for granted or made to feel like your work isn’t good enough, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

Along with feeling unappreciated, you may also feel like you are being micromanaged. It may be that you are being told what to do, how to do it, how to say it, when to say it, and you’re not making any independent decisions. If you tell a client oneĀ thing and your agent tells them something else or otherwise doesn’t support your decision, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

You’re not being paid what you’re worth.

If you’ve been learning and growing in your role, an increase is responsibility and salary is to be expected. If you haven’t been given a raise, don’t quit until you’ve asked for one. Sometimes a lead agent can get distracted by a lot of things and you could have been working with him or her for a year or longer and he or she won’t even realize it. If you feel like you’re not well-compensated, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

Your company isn’t making enough money.

Sometimes the writing it on the wall. Even if your lead agent doesn’t share the profit and loss statements with you, you pretty much know when the company isn’t making enough to pay the bills. Likely, you will see late notices in email, or be getting phone calls that bills haven’t been paid. It may even be so extreme that you are receiving your own paycheck several days late. It’s certainly within your rights to ask if the company is financially sound and to discuss your concerns with your lead agent. If there’s too much secrecy, or you feel like the whole company could go under at any second, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

Your job has changed significantly and not for the better.

If the team is growing, your role actually should change significantly. If the team is shrinking, and your role has changed significantly from what you were hired for, it’s possible that the additional tasks assigned to you are not a match to your talent, skills, or personality. Perhaps your team loses a buyer’s agent and your lead agent wants you to show homes. (Assuming you are licensed.) That’s okay for the short term. Sometimes it really is “all hands on deck” and you should be compensated if you are assuming new job duties. But that kind of work should not be permanent. There should be a plan in place that would allow you to resume your regular job duties. If that’s not the case, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

You hate the job itself.

It’s quite possible that your lead agent hired wrong. You may just be the wrong personality for the executive assistant role. If you just really hate most aspects of the job you were hired for, then it’s time for you to find a new opportunity.

You’re presented with a bigger opportunity on another team or in another company or industry.

It’s quite possible that your team has reached its potential. You may be making good money, be happy in your role and with your work, and the ebbs and flows are easily manageable. You’re not looking for a new opportunity, but one comes along and you think you’d like to pursue it. It’s okay to try new things! Just because you have a good thing going doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take a risk and go for a bigger opportunity.

In the end, you have to do what’s right for you. You may have close, personal relationships with one or more people on your team, but it’s not fair to them if you show up to work unhappy because of any of the reasons listed above. There are other opportunities out there for you. Find your fit and be happy!

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