(Caution, there is strong language in this clip.)
What does this scene from Pulp Fiction have to do with being a real estate assistant?
Recently, a teammate of mine accused me of “making others feel not-okay.” I won’t go into the details, but suffice it to say that I was acting like The Wolf. I was barking orders, and I wasn’t pleasant about it. My bad.
However…I may come across as terse because I have the best interests of the team at heart. As The Wolf says, “I’m here to help. If I’m curt with you, it’s because time is a factor. I think fast, I talk fast, and I need you guys to act fast if you wanna get out of this.”
I’m not afraid to do what it takes to get something done. If you ask me to do something and then don’t like how I do it, then why am I here?
I’m good at what I do. I’m hardwired to act the way I do. For me, I have found it’s the easiest way for me to get stuff done.
Also note, that I was not acting this way with clients. I know that I have a tendency to be direct with little pleasantries, which is why the vast majority of emails to clients are templates.
I don’t mean that I should bully my way through everything. In fact, it’s the opposite. I care so much about my work that I want it to be precisely right. Those results don’t come about when I’m also trying not to hurt people’s feelings. If action must be taken, then let’s take action and not just sit around talking about the kindest way to do it.
So if you hear me be adamant about something or if you read a tone into what I write, please know that I never intend to bossy or rude. I am passionate about my job. Please interpret what you hear or what you read as true passion. Because that’s what it is.
And to the teammate who I made feel not-okay: I’m sorry. I love you.
Been in the same boat? Care to comment? Say something below or join me on my Facebook page. Of course, you can always share your story with me personally at egilbert AT kw COM. I answer every email I receive.
You and me both!!!! This speaks directly to me! LOVE THIS BLOG!
Happy to hear from you Kat! It’s so good to know there are others like ourselves isn’t it?