Why You’re Bad at Solving Problems

I’m sure that if I asked you to make a list of all the problems you’re facing as a real estate assistant, you could list at least 10 and maybe even as many as 50. But, the problem isn’t the…
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The Assistant Files by Elizabeth Gilbert
In cooperation with Ops Boss Coaching
I’m sure that if I asked you to make a list of all the problems you’re facing as a real estate assistant, you could list at least 10 and maybe even as many as 50. But, the problem isn’t the…
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Show me where it’s written in your job description that you are expected to be perfect in everything you do. “Perfect in every way” only applies to Mary Poppins. The rest of us just have to live with the fact…
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Whether you’ve been an assistant in real estate for five days or five years, you know that you need a way to keep yourself organized. That’s what your personal task management system is for: a place to capture all those…
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Your attitude can go a long way in determining how happy you are in your role as real estate executive assistant. And attitude is simply how you look at things. Let’s examine the difference between an attitude of “tolerating” versus…
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I wonder what it’s like to be fearless and unafraid of the world. All my life I’ve been afraid. Of bugs, clowns, and particularly strangers. And now I get to be afraid of catching coronavirus too. Do you know what…
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On May 1, 2020 I celebrated working with Ron Henderson & Associates for 10 years. More specifically, I celebrated working with Ron as my leader. The rest of the team has changed over the years, but Ron and I have…
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One of the most difficult things about being an Executive Assistant is finding the time to get it all done. Our jobs can be very demanding. There are days when it seems like everyone (our lead agent, our team agents,…
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I had a couple of experiences with customer service agents in two different companies that serve, for me, as the example of what not to do. The first was at the Sprint store. A friend of mine had a stroke…
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It’s a very exciting time when new agents join your team. You now get to share with them your team’s culture and set them up for success. Whether your new hire is brand new to real estate or just new…
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Wading through the enormous amounts of email in your inbox after returning from a vacation or long weekend can be a pretty daunting task. After an entire week away from the office where I didn’t check email at all, I…
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