5 Simple Definitions Every Team Needs to Establish

What defines your real estate team? What principles does your team live by and how are those principles conveyed and executed? How does your team make decisions?

Without a written plan, the business runs by default.

Without a written plan, the members of the team act by default.

And I promise you that everyone’s default setting isn’t the most congruent.

So here’s where the rubber meets the road as they say.

It’s time to define all of these things for your team so that moving forward, everyone is on the same page. Keller Williams puts out a lot of training materials, and this is one of those hidden gems. I’ve not heard a lot of agents or admin speak of this special tool which is why I want to pass it along to you.

MVVBP – Mission, Vision, Values, Beliefs, Perspective

Once written, this document will lead your team in the same direction…down the path of success. Because that’s what this document does; it defines success.

Here’s the breakdown (page 61, Leadership Unlocked)


Put a little differently:

Mission – What we are here for

Vision – What the future will look like when we accomplish our goals

Values – What we stand for

Beliefs – How we think the world works

Perspective – How we see ourselves and where we currently are along our path

“Establishing your MVVBP keeps you on track with your business goals, helps you establish and maintain business alliances, and demonstrates a positive image, aiding you in establishing a viable reputation in your community.” page 63, Leadership Unlocked

I suggest that you, as the Executive Assistant, and your Rainmaker sit down together and complete your MVVBP; just the two of you. Ask your Rainmaker the questions in the graphic and help him/her define and hone his/her answers. Let a couple of weeks pass and review it together again. Then present it at a team meeting and have the rest of the team help hone and define it. Frame it and post it where everyone can see it.

As team members are added, this document becomes a value proposition. A company who has a clearly defined set of values and standards is more attractive to someone who truly wants to contribute to something greater than themselves. It helps them get a sense of how the team lives and breathes real estate.

The MVVBP should be reviewed quarterly. Has anything changed or has the team been losing sight of what’s important? When your team comes back to the MVVBP, it helps keep them on the path of success. So even if things look dismal, you can look at the MVVBP and affirm that you are holding true to what everyone decided they wanted in a successful business.

As an example, here is our team’s MVVBP.



Have questions about writing a MVVBP for your team? Drop me a line…egilbert AT kw DOT com. I’d love to hear from you!


  1. Pingback: Holding the Team Accountable to the Business Plan | The Assistant Files by Elizabeth Gilbert

  2. Pingback: Leading Up: How to Help Your Rainmaker Make Better Decisions | The Assistant Files by Elizabeth Gilbert

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